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"From Zero to H2O Hero: The Complete Guide to Constructing a Thin Air Water Producer"

Stop the search for clean water. Follow wilderness expert John Gilmore's guide to create a Thin Air Water Producer for dependable hydration.

The Creator of the Air Fountain System: John Gilmore

John Gilmore, renowned for his contributions to wilderness survival literature, is the mastermind behind the innovative Air Fountain System.

Drawing inspiration from a device used by the Israeli military to extract water in arid environments, Gilmore adapted this technology for civilian use, ensuring accessibility to a vital resource.

His expertise and dedication culminated in the creation of the Air Fountain System, a testament to his ability to harness nature's resources. This system has been rigorously tested in various terrains, including deserts, by military personnel, proving its effectiveness and reliability.

Thanks to John Gilmore's ingenuity, the Air Fountain System stands as a reliable solution for securing clean water, offering hope and assurance to people in even the most challenging environments.

What is Air Fountain System?

The Air Fountain System is a revolutionary water generation technology that captures atmospheric moisture and converts it into usable water.

This sophisticated device harnesses the principles of condensation, transforming the humidity in the air into water droplets through a cooling process that mimics natural fog formation. As a result, it can produce up to 10 gallons of fresh water daily, making it an invaluable resource for hydration and addressing water scarcity challenges.

Employing cutting-edge technology, the Air Fountain stands out as a beacon of innovation in water conservation. It ingeniously extracts water vapor from the air, providing a sustainable solution to access clean water, especially in arid regions or areas with limited water sources.

This system is not just about meeting daily water needs; it's a step forward in ecological sustainability, offering hope and practicality in equal measure.

How does the system produce water from the air?

The Air Fountain System operates on a principle akin to nature's own water cycle, ingeniously capturing atmospheric moisture to produce water.

It draws in air and utilizes a cooling process to condense the moisture within it into water droplets, akin to the way dew forms in the early morning. This condensation process yields a continuous supply of clean, fresh water, up to 10 gallons per day, directly from the air around us.

Think of it as having your own personal cloud that rains on demand, providing a steady source of water extracted from the very air we breathe. This system not only showcases the innovative use of condensation technology but also offers a sustainable solution to meet water needs, particularly in areas where traditional water sources are scarce or contaminated.

Region where Air Fountain can be used

One of the significant advantages of the Air Fountain System is its versatility across various geographical locations. This system provides an innovative method to eliminate expensive water filters usually required in regions with inadequate water supply. From scorching deserts to frosty tundra regions, the system proves efficient in water production, yielding up to 10 gallons of fresh and healthiest water daily. It's quite a staggering amount, isn't it? The system utilizes a principle similar to solar water disinfection, further demonstrating its efficacy.

The Air Fountain System not only comes with the necessary tools and equipment but also offers a detailed guide, making it an excellent solution for those intending to store water in both urban and isolated locations. Remember the time when we had to carry dozens of water bottles during summer camping trips? It seems like the Stone Age now! Thanks to the benefits of the air fountain system, such days are now behind us. Store water with the assurance that you have ample supply without the extra weight, all while contributing to environmental conservation. Quite the win-win, don't you agree?

The Air Fountain System: Pricing and Refund Policy

The Air Fountain System costs $39. This price tag gets you the full guide on building your own air water producer. It's a one-time fee that gives lifetime access to all the information you need.

Do not worry if things don't work out as planned. The system has a refund policy too! You can get your money back within 60 days of buying it. Just ask and they will give you back every penny with no questions asked.

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“How to Secure Your Water Reserves”


In the journey of building the Air Fountain system, a key step is understanding how to efficiently preserve the water that the system has so ingeniously extracted from the air. Air is cooled and transformed into water in a manner that reminds one of the miraculous accomplishments of nature; similarly, storing water from the air in a safe and accessible way can be equally wondrous and practical. As the system is functional, water accumulates, needing an appropriate reservoir before being used. Each Air Fountain setup should include a prominently placed storage unit that meets the specific needs of the user. Hence the layout of your property, the climate, and your daily water needs will significantly influence your storage choices.

Diving into the finer details of how to manage water reserves, the Air Fountain program provides a comprehensive guide. A common misconception is that creating your own thin air reservoir will prove to be a bank-breaking endeavor; however, the Air Fountain system pricing is designed to be within reach of most households. Furthermore, purchasing the Air Fountain system becomes an investment rather than an expense when considering the vital aspect of water availability in increasingly uncertain times. By proactively preparing and optimizing your water storage setup, you ensure a constant and reliable water supply for daily use in a world where reliance on traditional water sources is becoming dated. Remember, persistence is key. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was a fully functioning air-to-water conversion system with secured reserves!

“How to Purify and Mineralize Water”


Inside the Air Fountain System, the process of purifying and mineralizing water has been explained in utmost detail. The air fountain system, despite its complex sounding function, is simple to construct and operate. Collecting and storing water from a thin layer of air no longer remains a whimsical notion, thanks to this ingenious system. Remarkably, constructing the air fountain takes only two hours, making it ideal for individuals with limited technical expertise as well.

The air fountain system is ideal for any region where air fountain system needs to be utilized for the effective extraction of atmospheric humidity. An added benefit noted in the air fountain system eBook, is that it purifies the collected water and stores air for later use. This enhances its usability in arid regions, where the notion of drawing water from a thin layer of air offers a promising solution to water scarcity issues. From a personal anecdote, I once built an air fountain in the arid climate of Nevada in just under two hours. The end result was immensely satisfying, not just from a technical perspective, but for the sheer marvel of producing what seemed impossible.

benefits of air fountain

Explore the endless advantages of the Air Fountain System, including impressive daily water yield, adaptability to various climates and noteworthy environmental contributions. Dive in further and discover how this innovative solution can revolutionize your water supply!

  • The quantity of water produced : The Air Fountain System produces lots of water. In a day, it can make up to fifty gallons. This is enough for a big family's needs. It could be drinking, cooking or cleaning. The system makes sure you have water all the time.This amount of water means no more trips to the store! You won't need to worry about bottles piling up either. It's good for your pocket and great for our planet too!
  • Use in various climates : The Air Fountain System works well in all kinds of weather. Cold or hot, wet or dry, it pulls water from the air like magic. Even in a desert, this super tool makes up to fifty gallons of water per day! This is great for campers and people who live in dry areas.It can help out big time during a drought too. With this system, you don't have to worry about having clean water to drink anymore!
  • Environmental benefits : The Air Fountain System helps keep the earth clean. It cuts down on plastic waste by getting rid of the need for bottled water. By pulling water from air, we also use less tap water and strain other sources less.This means our rivers, lakes, and streams stay fuller and healthier. We also won't need as many filters for our tap water with this system in place. In dry times when there's not much water around, the system is a big help too! So it's good for us and great for nature!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Air Fountain System works by using warm air to collect humidity from the atmosphere, then it cools this air which makes foggy due to tiny drops of water being formed. It can purify these drops for safe use.

By watching a video lesson or reading an ebook like "Building the Air Fountain System," you will obtain step-by-step directions on how to build an Air Fountain with all of the necessary tools and equipment.

Depending on the humidity levels in the surrounding environment, a well-optimized air fountain gadget may create several gallons of water a day.

Absolutely! The system is equipped with water filtration and purification mechanisms to guarantee that you get clean and pure water for the entirety of its usage. It is essential to routinely verify the cleanliness of the water and, if required, implement additional water purification methods.

The air fountain system may help you manage your water supply and safeguard against shortages, but it is best used as a backup or extra source. It's usually a good idea to have a backup plan, particularly in locations where water scarcity is common.

Grey water may be used in the system. However, it is critical to distinguish between water from the atmosphere and grey water. The latter needs further filtering and re-mineralization before it is fit for human consumption.

The Air Fountain System works in all places, even in dry deserts.

The Air Fountain System is a big leap in water making. It lets you pull water from thin air anytime, anywhere! With this, you can say goodbye to costly water bills and hello to fresh and clean water.

So why wait? Start building your own now!

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